XH Polyurethane Synchronous Belts

XH Polyurethane Belts Profile

Main Material Polyurethane
Chord Material Steel Wire
Teeth Code XH
Pitch (mm) 22.225
Belt Height (mm) 11.20
Teeth Height (mm) 6.35

XH Polyurethane Synchronous Belts


XH Polyurethane Belts Profile:

XH Polyurethane Synchronous Belts Specifications:

Model Pitch Length (mm) Teeth Number
464XH 1177.925 53
508XH 1289.05 58
560XH 1422.4 64
569XH 1444.625 65
578XH 1466.85 66
604XH 1533.525 69
630XH 1600.2 72
700XH 1778 80
735XH 1866.9 84
753XH 1911.35 86
770XH 1955.8 88
796XH 2022.475 91
840XH 2133.6 96
901XH 2289.175 103
980XH 2489.2 112
998XH 2533.65 114
1120XH 2844.8 128
1260XH 3200.4 144
1400XH 3556 160
1540XH 3911.6 176
1575XH 4000.5 180
1750XH 4445 200
1873XH 4756.15 214
2275XH 5778.5 260


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